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Light Show
Roman Theater
Herods Palace
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National Park & Sound and Light Show caesarea

National Park & Sound and Light Show The Roman Theater, Herods Palace, The Baths, The Ancient Harbor and the Travel Through Time Display From Today, All Activities and Attractions Caesarea Has to Offer in One Ticket.

Visitors arriving in Caesarea can purchase one entrance ticket and enjoy all of the experiences offered by the site, everything included in the price of one ticket. Visit the Caesarea antiquities, the Roman Theater and the Hippodrome as well as watch the multimedia and interactive displays at the Caesarea Harbor. End the visit with a walk on the boardwalk, along the stunningly beautiful beaches.

Among the abundance of tourist sites that relate the story of ancient Israel is the magnificent story of Caesarea. A visit to the national park and ancient port, a tour of the hippodrome and Roman amphitheater, a walk among the impressive palace ruins cannot be complete without observing the splendor displayed in the Travel Through Time displays that combine to recreate a city being reawakened in front of our very eyes.

The crowning glory of the visit to the site is an impressive Travel Through Time display, which highlights the tour and transforms the visit into a historical trek through time. The 10 minute multimedia clip presents the city throughout the ages. An innovative computer simulation visually displays how the city passed from one hand to another and how the city appeared in the various ages. Nearby is a hall with 4 screens that welcome visitors with 12 figures from various historical periods of the city: a personal meeting with King Herod, with Louis IX, Rabbi Akiva, Baron Rothschild, Hannah Senesh and others can be scheduled, to hear their stories and to become introduced to the events of that era.

Visitors then continue to the Tower of Time display located in the recreated fortress. The view from the top of the tower is good enough reason to climb to the top. In both Tower of Time halls, visitors can view a sophisticated computer system that allows them to view on a giant screen the ancient structures of the city that were excavated. Tourists can take a virtual tour of the city, enter buildings and visit the streets, even participate in various activities such as horse racing in the hippodrome, performances in the theater, roaming around the market booths, and receiving ships arriving at the port, all of which tangibly and powerfully indicate Caesarea's importance throughout the ages.

At the end of the experience, visitors can walk the paths of the national park to see the sites and vistas from up close that they viewed in the displays. Visitors should tour the pier built here in the 1850s in order to view the fishermen scattered along the coast on a calm day, or the waves shattering against it on stormy days. Visitors can walk on the paved path across from the artists yard, enjoying the artistic jewels offered there, dine in one of the restaurants that offer a diversity of menus, join divers who dive to the historic underwater park and even stretch out on the golden sands that reach the ports shores.

Sound and light show:
Winter Hours: (October to March)
Daily 08:00 to 16:00. Last display at 15:00
Fridays and Holiday Evenings 08:00 to 15:00 . Last display at 14:00 .
Saturdays 08:00 to 16:00. Last display at 15:00
Restaurants, galleries and the beach are open to the public until night hours
. Display at Time Trek
Hebrew: Every hour on the hour. (daily, except Saturday).
Saturday: Every 15 minutes, except on the hour.
English: Every 15 minutes before and after the hour 08:15 , 08:45 , 09:15, 09:45 atc. (daily, except Saturday).
Saturdays: Every hour on the hour. (daily, except Saturday).

Park hours:
April thru September 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
October thru March 8 A.M to 4 P.M.
On Fridays the site closes one hour earlier than above.
Telephone: 04.626.7080

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